Little People World

Ever since we were children, reading a story or watching a movie, we learned about the protagonists of the fairy world; so we found the elves inhabitants of the valleys, the fairies of flowers and woods, the gnomes of the Crystal Caves, the elves of Rivendell, and so on. These creatures of the Little People, even if they are the best known, are not the only ones to inhabit the fairytale world. In addition to these there are others, certainly less famous, whose deeds are given to the rich literature and northern European traditions.

Bean-Nighe (from Scotland)

This creature is accustomed to being near brooks and streams where lava mortuary garments of the blood of those who are close to death. Legends say that the Bean Nighe are women died while they were giving birth and then wandered until death he had not received normally. Of Scottish origin these creatures have webbed feet, large pendulous breasts and a huge crooked tooth. A mortal who approaches her while she is washing if he could suck her breasts could claim to be taken and also ask that he be granted a wish.

Bogie (of British origin)

The Bogie is a harmless spirit but more often behaves so petty. Are placed behind the people creating within them a great sense of unease, remove the covers in the colder times of the year, spying on people and so many other mischief. I like most places stop at Bogie are those where men gather objects that does not use but which retains such attics, retrobotteghe, etc. Other types of Bogie are Awd acacias and the ever Barguest of British origin.

Brownie (from Scotland)

The Brownies in the Scottish tradition are often united to dusk elves, the dwarves or goblins. In ancient times these creatures you could meet in the vicinity of the menhirs and dolmens, but later preferred to stand closer to the homes of men in places like barns and chicken coops. No more than 60 cm tall and dark-skinned, almost always wander barefoot or wear tattered brown-colored clothes. Pioneers of the gardeners and whiskey distillers overnight guard the flocks and reap the fields in return for only a cream bowl and spread bread with honey. Beer drinkers, the brownies are great delight in reviving the arid zones. His evil twin is called Boggart. Other types of Brownie but of British origin are Fenoderee and the Killmoulis.

Kobolds (of German origin)

Kobolds, of Germanic origin spirits inhabit the mines and worship annoy humans. They are not evil creatures but they are rather pranksters. That look like little devils, wear a hat in the shape of a cone and pointed shoes; They have a tail with thick fur and feet instead of hands almost completely hairless. From some sources it is thought that the Kobolds are close relatives of Brownie. A kind of Coboldo of British origin is called Knockers.

Elves (Nordic and Irish descent)

The great family of the Elves includes spirits with similar appearance to those of humans, and are half way between gods and men. Generally immortal Elves are not always good-looking and with boundless goodness but sometimes also have naughty, naughty and grotesque. Predict the future and control the magical arts, inhabit the light and air, but they can also be found in the vegetable garden, plants and water. They love music, singing and dancing. The Ashgrove Elves of British origin and Ellyllon of Welsh origin are other types of elves.

Fairies (Irish and British origin)

The fairies, beings endowed with magical powers, like the Gnomes and Fairies retain incredible riches; living in natural environments such as rocks, springs, lakes and, because of their predisposition to the good, they are constantly ready to help someone who is in trouble especially if this is an innocent persecuted. Their main power is to suddenly change appearance but also to change it to other living. In the collective imagination the fairies have noble soul, wings and proceed with graceful gait, but it is not always so; there are in fact also do horrible and deformed. They are also primitive beings who envy the man the fact of having feelings, which the fairies do not have.

Elves (of European origin)

The family is so large that it is difficult to make a unique description of their appearance, the way they live and the way they behave. Differ so much from area to area which is also difficult to identify one area of ​​origin: there are in fact goblins Nordic, Italian, French, German, etc. If you want to make a brief description we might say that usually have blood of black and eyes that tend to red, shining in the darkness. They are almost all of the great pranksters but at the same time can become spiteful, malicious and ruthless. They do not have magical powers but they know very well the arcane arts. Animal lovers, love cavalcane frogs, free the cows from the stables and braiding the manes of horses. Both live in the woods in the homes of settlers and farmers when they are often greeted with great respect. Industrious and lazy love the company of the girls especially good-looking. Here are some of the main families of elves that inhabit our continent.


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