Demonic mask

The mask featured grotesque was found in the small island of Mozia before Marsala in Sicily, during excavations in a Carthaginian sanctuary of the sixth century BC . Within the sacred they were found bones of animals and children who were sacrificed to the gods, remember the horrible practices still present stems. In the context horrible event, do not leave indifferent the defined demonic mask on his scary attitude. The eyes are curved upwards and borders the mouth into a grin distorted. It was worn on the occasion of the sacrifice in the Tophet, the sanctuary where the bodies were burned as gifts to the gods Baal Hammon and Astarte. The practice mainly took the firstborn males, the most precious things you had to offer. This mask, apparently smiling, expressed happiness for the gift to the gods, but also facial contraction denoted a desperate cry for the terrible sacrifice, at the height of despair man distorts eyes and mouth in this way. This type of expression defined grot...