Pomegranate Freemason symbol meaning

If you want to research the origin of the Pomegranate symbol , you need to resort to biblical tradition. Here, in fact, the columns of the Temple of Jerusalem are described as decorated with bas-reliefs depicting this splendid fruit. Different meanings can be given to the symbolism of the Pomegranate. The first-ever that we want to mention here is that relating to the meaning of family and unity inherent in the Masonic brothers. In fact, if we open a Pomegranate we can see that many small seeds are enclosed inside. These are grouped together and together constitute the fruit. By analogy, each suit can be identified as a free, unique and singular mason. At the same time, however, closely connected with others to form a single large family, whose luxuriance is the consequence of this close union. Furthermore, given that the ultimate goal of the seed is to bear fruit, the large quantity of seeds present in this fruit represents the wish of the Masons to proliferate more and more....